Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
& Developmental Editing

About Alejandra

I am a psychodynamic psychotherapist with master degrees in analytical psychology (MsC) and Jungian and Post-Jungian studies, and post-graduate specialized clinical training in the treatment of developmental trauma and post-traumatic and dissociative disorders. I am also co-founder and president of Kidpower Ecuador (see contact page for more information).

Over the last decade, I have lived and worked in the U.S., Ethiopia, Jordan, England, Solomon Islands, Italy, and Austria and have had short assignments in four other countries. My work across the continents, both in private practice and with international non-profit organizations, has been geared towards alleviating suffering and supporting psychological wellbeing. I have worked extensively in highly complex multicultural environments with individuals suffering from various forms of interpersonal violence and with expatriates with high levels of psychological stress. 

With many years of deeply enriching personal and professional experiences around the world, my psychodynamic approach has gradually integrated aspects of humanistic and mindfulness-based orientations.

When I am not wearing my therapist hat, I am editing and developing content for journal articles, academic manuscripts, or books on topics related to psychology, spirituality, childhood development, Jungian thought, and psychoanalytical theory.


What is Psychotherapy?

At a basic level, psychotherapy is a way of sharing one’s story and working through problems or difficult experiences that arise within that story, while developing new perspectives, harnessing and growing inner resources, capabilities, and competencies, and increasing self-reflection. Psychodynamic psychotherapy focuses on the psychological roots of emotions and affect and uses the alliance between therapist and client as an important window into the client’s inner world.

What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Counseling?

Psychotherapy and counseling are umbrella terms that refer to a variety of services aiming to improve the quality of life. A counselor and a psychotherapist work in a similar way to help their clients, often share theoretical modalities and techniques, and work with scientifically proven methods that can help with mental health and interpersonal issues. What varies within these two fields is the length of training and scope of work and focus, which depend on local and regional regulations and the preferences of practitioners.

Whether you are looking for a counselor or a psychotherapist, your best option is to choose someone to support you on the basis of how capable and trustworthy they appear to you. The relationship between you and your practitioner is the most significant factor in how successful your therapeutic outcome is.

My Approach

My theoretical orientation is psychodynamic, though my approach to therapy combines analytical (Jungian), relational, and experiential modes of work and is strongly rooted in attachment science.

In my sessions, I place emphasis on introspection, self-awareness, and self-compassion. I trust that deep in the hearts and minds of my clients, they intuitively or cognitively know what’s true for them, so I prioritize the curiosity that leads them to this knowing and their growing ability to embrace their discoveries at every stage of their therapeutic process.

I regard therapy to be successful when my clients step into “existential living,” a state of aliveness where they can trust their experiences and interactions with others and the world, and move into new places of growth.

I support this process with a mixture of conversational techniques, exercises such as active imagination and breathing, and psychoeducation.


My thematic expertise includes:

Sadness, grief, loss
Depression, anxiety, panic attacks
Life crises, big life changes
Cultural dislocation and displacement
Mental and emotional health
Self-confidence, self-esteem
Motivation and sense of purpose
Finding and creating happy relationships
Growth and conscious living

I work with youth and adults. Therapy takes place in person or via Zoom.




Psychotherapy is successful in an atmosphere of trust and safety. Therefore, I maintain absolute confidentiality of the existence and content of therapy with every client. For supervision purposes, I may ask my client permission to disclose the content of our conversations to my supervisor, in which case I always do it discreetly and with their full consent.


Quality and professionalism are highly important to me. To provide my clients with the best chance of healing and growth, I attend supervision and ongoing training in my fields of expertise. My clients’ wellbeing is my top priority so I am continuously learning and evolving both as a therapist and human being.


My practice is characterized by being a space of non-judgmental reflection. My clients will find in our sessions a welcoming environment where they can freely and securely open up. I maintain a neutral and appreciative stance towards who they are and how they show up at every stage of our therapeutic process.


Warmth, empathy, and authenticity are fundamental to a good therapeutic alliance and essential in my practice. I am committed to participating in our sessions with my strengths and flaws, an open heart, and a genuine desire to step into my client’s unique experience of living to better understand them and help them. 

The Deep Psyche Study

The Deep Psyche Study aims at exploring the subtle, unconscious, and transpersonal aspects of human experience in an intellectual and therapeutic manner, guided primarily by principles of analytical psychology. These workshops are structured in a series of sessions that combine analysis and discussion of psychological concepts and symbols, analysis of self, storytelling, and group/individual processes.

In these sessions, we study concepts such as the Selfegoindividuation, and shadow and how they show up symbolically in legends and other stories, as well as in every-day life through our dreams, imagination, insights, and behaviors.

As we look deeply into the psyche, we have the opportunity to work through difficult experiences that arise within our own life stories, while developing the ability to examine old beliefs and adopt new and meaningful life narratives. A deeper look into our own mind/soul is also an invitation to rekindle our sense of purpose and curiosity for life.

Currently, I offer Deep Psyche Studies in Spanish and English, via zoom and in-person (in Vienna and Quito) to small groups and individuals with or without any previous knowledge of analytical psychology or Jungian thought.

Please contact me if you would like more information about these studies or would like to register.


For inquiries about psychotherapy, the Psyche Study, or editing, please send me a message. For information on Kidpower please visit our website